We believe in science.
We believe in keeping our children, families and teachers as safe as possible.
We recognize that there was always risk involved when people gathered together, and we believe science offers us a clear road-map for protocols and procedures.
We believe we are stronger together!
Across the Covid-19 pandemic, our goal has been to remain open as much as possible, while providing the safest environment we know how to create. To that end, we appreciate our community's commitment to take Covid-19 seriously. Just like we say to the children "WE CAN DO HARD THINGS"! We are so thankful to our parents, teachers and children for doing all the hard things that we have done to kept each other safe!
Zero cases in 2020 and for the first half of 2021.
After a year and a half totally Covid-free at school, we had one individual in our community test positive for Covid-19, with no spread to anyone else in the school. In response to Delta, we re-instituted many of the Covid policies that we had started to relax that summer.
Over the past year with the various Omicron spikes, we have had a few community members test positive, and we remained committed to keeping our children healthy. We have polled our community, and we waited until families had an opportunity to have their children vaccinated before we relaxed our Covid standards.
Our families and teachers all sign a disclosure agreeing to wear masks and maintain social distancing measures if they have been exposed to covid, and, while we have relaxed our quarantine requirements for children and teachers who have been exposed to covid, we have have ramped up testing to make sure those who are at school are healthy.
We installed UVC lights in the HVAC system to continually clean the air.
Each classroom has a medical grade air purifier with an M-13 filter that cleans the air down to .01 microns every 10-15 minutes.
Teachers are required to wear a mask inside the building when community spread is high and if they have had an exposure.
Preschool children over 2 years old are strongly encouraged to wear masks inside when community spread is high or if they have had an exposure.
We spend as much time outdoors as possible; we have created two new playground areas to give the children as much outdoor time as possible and we have even rethought our day to enjoy our Shabbat sing-along outside.
Everyone washes hands upon entering the school, every time we come in from outside, before and after eating, toileting, diapering, before and after sensory play, AND at least once an hour.
We use our misting and fogging machines to disinfect the classrooms every time a class goes outside using a hospital/restaurant grade stearamine quat solution - we remain bleach free!
Children are spaced as far apart as possible at rest time.
When community spread is low, each class pods with one other class, mostly outside, and each pod remains separated; we don't blend the pods at any time during the day.
Because we know social distancing with young children is not always possible, classes are capped at 12 children at a time (8 in our infant class).
Check out our pictures from the early days of Covid on this page!
Our child-centered philosophy and intentionally smaller class sizes set us apart from the other preschools, infant daycare and childcare centers in Roswell!
Seeds of Wonder Journey School welcomes and invites families of all backgrounds to apply.
Seeds of Wonder Journey School
1145 Green Street
Roswell, GA 30075
4320 Kimball Bridge Rd.
Alpharetta, GA 30022